Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road


One can easily find Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road with its street address Survey no 45/2, ward. 150, Marathahalli - Sarjapur Rd, opposite Iblur, Ambalipura, Bellandur. This Hospitals is located in the neighborhood and the zip code is 560103. You can contact Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road by dialing 1800 102 4647 or submitting an enquiry at this page. This hospital has accreditations like NABH etc. Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road has 2 verified reviews and the average rating from these reviews is 3 star.


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2 Reviews on “Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road”

2 reviews
  • Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road
    Pinki roy

    Really great manipal hospital best’ doctor of manipal helpful staff especially 5th floor all (nurse’s) rose dulin Ajith sanif (security) staff Nureda very good take care of patients and visitors (nursing aid) Samir very good service food all so good I’m happy with your service 😊😊😊

  • Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road
    Swapan Kr Sarkar

    I have done X-ray & CBC test of my wife Kajal Sarkar(MH010958774) dated on 4.11.23 approx 1pm. I got the film of X-ray after 10 minutes, but the report in paper, reception told me U will get it after 24hrs.
    I went today (Sunday) at hospital for collecting the paper report. In emergency reception, gave CBC report immediately. But when he opens for X-ray report, he told me that in X-ray report Dr has not signed, so it can’t give me, also it is value less. For me it is must reqd, because I will submit it in insurance.
    Now I want to say why I will be harrased for collecting a report. For a report, I will go 2-3 times in hospital by riding costly transport, will hospital management pay for transport. Immediate arrange my appropriate report to give me not in mail, only by hand.


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How to contact Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road?

You can call Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road at their phone number 1800 102 4647 or you can visit their website